Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Controversial of Intelligent Design Theory

Many people believe that Intelligent Design is a comparative science against Evolution theory. Actually, why intelligent design is so controversial? What types of researches have been done by those ID supporters? Is there any evidence to proof the theory? Does the theory conclude with scientific method? If we read most of the ID and evolution argument, it is clearly seen that ID is not a science.

Some arguments say that evolution is the best theory every in our history? It may sound odd in one’s hear. Why the theory that says we have a close connection with monkey is the best? It is absurd. Well, look at it this way. Since this theory is propose, how many experiments and critics are born? Besides, Darwin has evidence to proof his theory? Does Intelligent Design theory provide any evidence? Probably, they will always say, “Oh, Divine Power can be proven.” What a non sense!

In order to be considered science the theory has to have evidence and able to explain how it work. What Intelligent Design position here? How this ID work? Who is the master designer? Where is the blueprint? A design has to have a sketch or blue print, right? For example: a painting, we can tell the difference between Da Vinci and Michelangelo because each has its unique. What about ID? How can we relate the design to its designer? No wonder, people say that ID is a creation of lazy and non critical person because nothing can be answer with this theory.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Flame on (Morality Reconsidered)

The theme of movie “Flame On” is our unknowingness about quality of life. We always do thing that is out of the line (normal life) such as homosexuality and lesbian. It is taboo to have the same relationship with the same kind. Public opinion has been set that it is immoral to be a gay or lesbian. Men suppose to be with women that’s why men and women first created. Women are men companion and so are men.

In this modern world, homosexuality has been a new trend. It is luring more and more men and women into its world. Even the biggest philosopher Socrates and Plato are homosexual. Not to mention, King Edward and Queen also part of this society. Even the world isolate them, it still does not put the flame off.

All the immoral things that we do are parts of our finding stage of the quality of our life. We actually do not know the best life for us. That’s why we always dare to try new thing or breaking the law. In fact, people like to try taboo and new thing in their life. We love forbidden fruit. Once we get into it, it is too late to get away from it.

DNA and our brain - James Watson

Dr. James Watson argues that gene is more dominant in our life. He believes that nature has more influence than nurture. Well, I disagree with his idea about nature more dominant than nurture. A research proof that a child was born with high IQ can not grow up and be an instant Einstein. Once a child is isolated in his or her childhood, no matter how high his or her IQ is, it is useless.

Researches proof the declining metacognition grown of those children. In learning process, a child needs peer and adults help, besides his or her self nature cognition. In order to push the learning level, children acquire social learning technique by mimicking and gaining the knowledge from peers or adults. Even though a child has a smart gene in it, without nurture it is meaningless and so is the apposite.

It is true that intelligent parents will most likely have intelligent children as well. The biologists show the genotype of those cases. Their children have high intelligent because they get 23 pair of chromosome from each parents. Each chromosome contents trait from the parents’ gene. Those genes with the smart DNA replicate themselves, thus their children have a high IQ.

Again, our brain is not like computer's CPU that has been programmed before Dell or Sony put it up in the market. Our brains receive the software installation during our learning stage (usually childhood). If a virus is installed in the processor, it does not work well, and so it our brain. If we learn the wrong thing, we turn out to be messed up.

Nietzsche's Myth of Eternal Recurrence

Nietzsche’s myth of eternal recurrence-will it be the heaviest burden we ever had? We have to do the same thing again and again. We have to suffer from the same pain forever. Life will be very boring and meaningless. We do not have any desire anymore because we know what is going to be next, or when we are going to die and resurrected. After all, the same thing, memory, pain, and feeling will go over again.

Well, as an apposite, if we have a happy life, for sure we will love to repeat the same life. Imagine we have our family, people that we love. We don’t have to say good bye because of our mortal life. We are going to be reborn and reunited. We are having the same warm family and experiencing the joyful holiday. What a nice life! No matter who tell us the secret of eternal recurrence, we will never regret it.

Well, it is just a myth that a demon tells us the secret of life. Once we know the secret, are we going to take that life? We are people that always want freedom. If we have already known the future, are we going to go through the same process? For sure, we will make a change.

We are not robot that will do the same thing over and over. We will always try to improve our life. If we are unhappy in this life, we will try to have happiness in next. If we know that we will die by car accident, for sure we will be trying to avoid driving a car. Or, if we know that we will be murdered, are we going to kill the killer first? What’s the future is going to be like if every one is trying to be “God” and determine our own life?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

John Polkinghorne interview

John Polkinghorne a theoretical physicist and also an Anglican priest argues that the existence of the universe serves a deeper purpose. The big bang is not an accident that apparently creates the universe. The universe conducive to our existence, therefore we are wondering about the universe today.

Professor Polkinghorne gives an example of Quantum theory which was discovered 75 years ago. Until today, this theory is still not completely understood. There is still a missing link and can’t be explained yet. Thus, this explains that there is a divine power involve in those events.

He has two reasons to explain why physicists find more evidence of divinity in their work than evolutionary biologists. First of all, physicists see the beauty of the universe while biologists see the ups and down and the extinction. Secondly, biologists discover the DNA and can explain how it all comes from. On the other hand, physicists also make a remarkable discovery: gravitation by Newton for example, but they can not explain the reason, why it happens. Still, Professor Polkinghorne assures that the biologists have not discovered the secret of life yet, for there is still a lot of work to be done.

Beyond Good and Evil- Nietzsche Channel

Nietzsche argues religions are our sacrifice of freedom, pride, self confidence, enslavement, self-mockery, and self mutilation. He uses a huge field as symbolize of our soul needs. How we lose our self confidence because of religion. How we depend on religion in our daily life.
We do not know what is science and conscience any more. We hope that the “Power” above will send help, but there is no body there that can help us. To get us out from the misery, we have to do self finding. Since we are losing our keen eyes and nose, we do not have our self confidence and free will anymore.

Nietzsche believes that religion is lack of philology. All the claims of the religious leader that the closest truth is only gain when one believe in God is nonsense. He gives an example of Christianity conquered to Europe where people were killing each others assuming that their religions were the only truth. In fact, it is the fatal self assumption ever made, the worst mistake of mankind history. Religion creates happiness and yet sorrows to its believers.

Hidden Side of “Perfect” Master

Thakar Singh claims to be the channel of God. In the appearance and teaching, he sounds so perfect. Thus, his followers devote and will die for him. Anything that he does is believed to be God’s comment. The followers do not question his method of healing or teaching. It is all because of his followers faiths.

Blindfolding children to release their pure consciousness as Thakar Singh claims sound like a lie to me. Toddlers and preschools suppose to learn about everything by using all of their senses, such as seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and touching. Lack of one of the senses will create the instability in learning about the life. Besides, children need to have a social life, so they can learn from their peers. Once children are blindfolding, they lack of self confidence and depend on adults.

In that short film, adults that suppose to teach them the life even are destructing them with sexual harassment. Not only children, women, as always, become the victim of man. It is strange if we think about it. We know that not only men have the right of life, as women we have that same right too. Why don’t we do something and refuse the discriminative behavior? Why we let the cult believes to do the bad thing to us? Can we put our brain in use for our own sake?