Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Controversial of Intelligent Design Theory

Many people believe that Intelligent Design is a comparative science against Evolution theory. Actually, why intelligent design is so controversial? What types of researches have been done by those ID supporters? Is there any evidence to proof the theory? Does the theory conclude with scientific method? If we read most of the ID and evolution argument, it is clearly seen that ID is not a science.

Some arguments say that evolution is the best theory every in our history? It may sound odd in one’s hear. Why the theory that says we have a close connection with monkey is the best? It is absurd. Well, look at it this way. Since this theory is propose, how many experiments and critics are born? Besides, Darwin has evidence to proof his theory? Does Intelligent Design theory provide any evidence? Probably, they will always say, “Oh, Divine Power can be proven.” What a non sense!

In order to be considered science the theory has to have evidence and able to explain how it work. What Intelligent Design position here? How this ID work? Who is the master designer? Where is the blueprint? A design has to have a sketch or blue print, right? For example: a painting, we can tell the difference between Da Vinci and Michelangelo because each has its unique. What about ID? How can we relate the design to its designer? No wonder, people say that ID is a creation of lazy and non critical person because nothing can be answer with this theory.

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