Friday, July 13, 2007

Why I'm Not a Christian

Bertrand Russell admits that he is not a Christian due to the reason that Christ is cruel and creates unhappiness to the world. He gives several examples about Christ’s life. How He curses the fig tree for not having a fruit when He needs it. At another moment, he curses the Babel for their sin and destroys their city. The most recent of his preaching is heaven and hell including all the cruel punishments.

From his point of view, Buddha and Socrates are as high as Christ or even above the Christ. Those philosophers teach forgiveness and not cursing others. When Christ creates the cruelty of hell, He shows the world the extreme and immoral practice of sin. While at the other hand, He always say about forgive others.

He assumes that in order to live in a good life; we do not have to be a Christian. Other religion, such as Buddhist, Hindu, and Muhammad also teach the same thing. What is so special about the cruel preaching of God?

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