Sunday, July 29, 2007

Beyond Good and Evil- Nietzsche Channel

Nietzsche argues religions are our sacrifice of freedom, pride, self confidence, enslavement, self-mockery, and self mutilation. He uses a huge field as symbolize of our soul needs. How we lose our self confidence because of religion. How we depend on religion in our daily life.
We do not know what is science and conscience any more. We hope that the “Power” above will send help, but there is no body there that can help us. To get us out from the misery, we have to do self finding. Since we are losing our keen eyes and nose, we do not have our self confidence and free will anymore.

Nietzsche believes that religion is lack of philology. All the claims of the religious leader that the closest truth is only gain when one believe in God is nonsense. He gives an example of Christianity conquered to Europe where people were killing each others assuming that their religions were the only truth. In fact, it is the fatal self assumption ever made, the worst mistake of mankind history. Religion creates happiness and yet sorrows to its believers.

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