Sunday, July 29, 2007

John Polkinghorne interview

John Polkinghorne a theoretical physicist and also an Anglican priest argues that the existence of the universe serves a deeper purpose. The big bang is not an accident that apparently creates the universe. The universe conducive to our existence, therefore we are wondering about the universe today.

Professor Polkinghorne gives an example of Quantum theory which was discovered 75 years ago. Until today, this theory is still not completely understood. There is still a missing link and can’t be explained yet. Thus, this explains that there is a divine power involve in those events.

He has two reasons to explain why physicists find more evidence of divinity in their work than evolutionary biologists. First of all, physicists see the beauty of the universe while biologists see the ups and down and the extinction. Secondly, biologists discover the DNA and can explain how it all comes from. On the other hand, physicists also make a remarkable discovery: gravitation by Newton for example, but they can not explain the reason, why it happens. Still, Professor Polkinghorne assures that the biologists have not discovered the secret of life yet, for there is still a lot of work to be done.

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