Monday, July 30, 2007

Flame on (Morality Reconsidered)

The theme of movie “Flame On” is our unknowingness about quality of life. We always do thing that is out of the line (normal life) such as homosexuality and lesbian. It is taboo to have the same relationship with the same kind. Public opinion has been set that it is immoral to be a gay or lesbian. Men suppose to be with women that’s why men and women first created. Women are men companion and so are men.

In this modern world, homosexuality has been a new trend. It is luring more and more men and women into its world. Even the biggest philosopher Socrates and Plato are homosexual. Not to mention, King Edward and Queen also part of this society. Even the world isolate them, it still does not put the flame off.

All the immoral things that we do are parts of our finding stage of the quality of our life. We actually do not know the best life for us. That’s why we always dare to try new thing or breaking the law. In fact, people like to try taboo and new thing in their life. We love forbidden fruit. Once we get into it, it is too late to get away from it.

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