Sunday, July 1, 2007

Cargo Cult - Feynman,R

Richard Feynman critics the learning culture that we are taught to adopt. Prof. Feynman believes, in scientific method, there is a hypothesis and experiment before getting to the thesis. Some how, people tend to avoid previous experiment because it has been established. Scientist is changing and continuing others experiment without proving or making sure the established theory is right or not. This is the culture of people are taught to avoid wasting time by repeating the original experiment and jump to the conclusion with difference equipments.

This is how we are taught to accept the science without question and soon becomes nature attitude. If we look back when we have killed hundred of women because of witch accusation, we should be ashamed of. Those innocent women had been died for false accusation.

Imagine a difference scenario, where we are taught to believe in something after proving it is right or wrong with several experiments. Those women probably still alive and their families did not have to suffer. The education system taught us this cargo cult believe, so we have to pay the price.

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