Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Truth Lies

The film “Truth Lies” has a deep meaning in find the purpose of our life. It says that nature is without sentiment, but those who feel sentiment have a better chance to survive. It is definitely true that nature is without sentiment. If we think it over about all the disasters such as: tsunami that kills hundred thousand people, earthquake that ruins people’s life, tornado, etc has caused billion thousand damages without mercy.

It would be nice if nature only cares about good people, but nature is there for every one. Plants grow from the seed, after a long way through; its leaves are ruined by worm. Does nature stop there? Maybe not, because chicken consumes worm, then we eat chicken. Does it stop now? No, people are killing each other in return. Why? If we care about others, will we kill and create another disaster to other human being? No. If we care, we’ll stop the war and live in peace. If we feel sentiment, we’ll have a better chance to survive.

Now, we know the truth, do we do anything to it? The answer is probably no. When we know the truth and reality, we stuck there and only know how to criticize other. We can not think of any thing because we do not know what to do. We are confused because we want to live in peace and yet do not how to make it. Finally, we live in peace and yet still not satisfied. We think our life is boring and need something more exciting. Then new disasters “nature is without sentiment” establish one more time. We are back to the circle again. As a matter of fact, we have been manipulated by the truth, the truth lies to us.

India Classic Film "Pather Panchali"

This India classic film is very interesting to watch. The title “Pather Panchali” or the path of old folk story describes rural life of India in 1920. The setting is very natural and touching. When we follow Durga and Apu daily life, we can feel their scarcities and courage. Those poor kids only can see their friends enjoy the life and food. As an oldest child, Durga has learned to manipulate her friend and family for her own advantages. Her brother, Apu, is a naïf and does not know exactly what’s going on in their life. The only thing that he understand is scare and alone, but he feels save with his sister’s love.

Sarbajaaya (the mother) has her own sadness and happiness with a big responsibility of the family especially her children. She is a pride wife and does not want to admit her weakness. Even though she knows that her life is hard, she tries to make the day through without thinking of the children’s wealth fare and happiness.

When we find out that Harihar (the husband) is well educated and has a dream to be a writer, we maybe wonder why he wastes his time in that poor village. He might have a bright future and does not have to starve anymore. Again, living in a simple and old village required a big commitment. Harihar is an example of a wrong interpretation of keeping family tradition. Even though he has a better life in Benares, he chooses to back to his home town because his family spends its whole life in that village. What’s an irony? He is trying to be idealism for his family, but the other hand, he wants to keep the family tradition and burry his dream.

The only thing that makes him changed his mind is when he is losing his precious daughter. He just likes a blind man that gets the eyes to see the reality. How their family go through difficult days in that poor condition house. He realizes that family tradition is not the only purpose of life. His wife and son are the purpose of his life; their weatlhfare and happiness is the most important thing in his life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Human Evolution

Since it first defined, evolution theory has been a debate. According to Charles Darwin, our ancestor is chimpanzees, but is it true? Darwin believes that chimpanzees evolves and become who we are today. If it is true, then why the chimpanzees still share the habitat with us. The controversial theory is in a denial. More scientists do research to evolution and provide some answer to the evolution process.

The world widely known giant reptiles such as dinosaurs has been wiped out from the earth sixty mya. Due to the lack of water, some of the dinosaurs shrinks them selves and become small reptiles that live underground. The fossil we’ve found and some modern birds and reptiles today share the same gene. Based on the research and evidences, we have to agree with the evolution theory.

Animal evolutions have been proven, what about human? Scientists try to trace back to find our ancestors, and finally making a conclusion that we share gene with chimpanzees, gorilla, other creatures, and even plants. Our characteristics derive us into groups that vary across lineages; therefore, we can build our phylogenetic tree that represents our ancestry.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Strangeness of Science

Prof. Richard Dawkins says that there is strangeness of sciences. He gives a wide explanations and examples from atom to “make believe” computer games of that queerness. Why we only breathe through our lung? Why there are neurons in our brain? The point is why there is strangeness? Is it because we live in this unique universe, so every thing is special? Or is it because we can not find the answer, and we just decide to make an assumption to it.

I definitely agree with Prof. Dawkins that all that strangeness is required in order to primitive selection. Animals only need food to survive, but human need more than that. We need our brain and all the supporting system to survive. If we only have a simple brain likes monkeys’ brains, we maybe still live in a cave. Maybe we turn out to be vegetarian and do not how to cook our food. In fact, we know how to use our brain and create a civilization.

From the beginning there is a substantial different between us and other creatures. We can stand up, walk with two legs, speak, think, have friends, and improve our life. Some of the creatures maybe can stand up and walk, some may not move at all. Can they speak? Can they make their life better? Only human that has been created with those highest skills, so we have to use it properly to find the meaning of our life and not just dream about it.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Gods too Decompose

If God exists, then where can we find him? Does he live among us? Why no one ever meet him? How are we going to find him when we do not know where to start? In our desperate, we make an assumption, God is dead. Yet, there is a question, if God is dead, who killed him or where is his grave? Where the remaining of his body that at least tells us that he once exists.

We keep asking and yet never find the truth and final answer that satisfied us. With a limited knowledge, we only can make an assumption. Even though it is just a theory, but it is our guideline and maybe clues to find the meaning of our life. As we ask what is the origin of the universe? Many physicists and philosophers create an assumption, but how many that has been proven? Big Bang expansion maybe one of them when Einstein gives the equation to find the matter, size and time of the expansion.

Yet, human never satisfied, we are wondering why there is a big bang. This question remains still for the next physicist to solve. In the mean time, we stick with our current knowledge that “Big Bang” creates the universe. Typical human, when they can not satisfied the answer, they said “God is dead and too decompose”.

Origin of Universe

From the beginning of our life, we always have a question about where we come from. Then, we learn that there are a lot of theories about the origin of the universe. Rene Descartes starts with “God” and tries to prove his existence. Next, the “Big Bang” theory where is known widely. Some believe it has both theological and philosophical implication. Many religions have their own interpretations about the Big Bang theory. Some religion believe heaven and earth join together as one unit creation, some believe that expansion, destruction, and creation of the universe within the paradigm. When there is an assumption, then there is a question. Why there is a big bang?

The big bang expansion starts billions years ago from small hot matter. Einstein equations can help us to find out how fast, size and time of the expansion. Again, is it answering the question why there is a big bang? Physicists try to find the answer with the mathematic, and yet it is remain question.

Plato says that prisoners that live in the darkness can not see the reality. Even when they see the shadow, they still can not think of the real object. Why? When one prisoner stands outside the cave, he sees the real object in the light. If we are like the prisoners in the dark cave, can we breach out to the light and how? Well, maybe the answer is time and knowledge, we are learning the universe and in the future, hopefully we can find the answer.

Extra Dimensions

Prof. Lisa Randall introduces an interesting theory about the hidden extra dimensions in her book “Warped Passages Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions”. In the interview she keeps her assumption open, so some one with a better knowledge can prove it. According to her, it could be very well hidden dimension in the universe. She explains several figures regarding this matter. If we compare what we see and what is really out there, there is a big question mark in the middle?

It is definitely true that our knowledge is limited. When we look at a box in two dimensional views, we might think it is a square. Later, in three dimensional views, it is a box, thus our understanding stop there. Why? Because we can not see through the box, there could be another box hidden inside the first box. Maybe there is another box again inside the second box, and so on. If we have gathered a better knowledge to solve the problem then all of our confusions become clear.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mistery Script

All nature that happened in this world is beyond our understanding. We are wondering; who is the Master Art that creates an amazing design to our body? How a single cell can grow and be a human? Why our neurons always fires? Scientist may have found some of the answers, yet we are still not satisfied. We are eager to know exactly why and how it happened. In order to find the answer, we face a lot of unexplainable knowledge. If everything is like a simple math, such as 1 + 1 = 2, it will be easy for us to understand. In fact, there are several advanced formula and theory involved. This make us give up and just think, it is the way it should be or maybe because we do not know.

Life is different from math because it will not provide a fixed answer. Number is constant, one is one and two is two. Life is variable and will always change depend on our understanding. It is funny that people make a lot of wrong assumptions just to satisfy other’s inquiries. Imagine that we used to thing the earth is flat; now we find out it is round. Will we able to find out what is hiding far beyond Pluto? When we can not figure out the answer, we always say “Life is a mystery”.

After Life & Existence of God

When some one asks you, "Does God exist?" Would you answer "yes" or "no"? The answers of some prominent philosophers in CA are three types: yes, no, and confuse. It is tricky and difficult to answer, just like the question "Is egg or chicken the first form of the life?” Well, in my opinion, the answers could be varies depend on the listeners. If the questioners are kids, we may answer yes. People believe in something or someone, thus establish a religion. Religion guides our moral, so we know which is good and bad. For scientists, the answer maybe “no” because they can not scientifically proves the existence of God. The bottom line is God exists or not depend on our belief.

Human seems never satisfied with the life, next thing they want to know is what happen after death. I definitely agree with most of the answers that our body decompose-all the neurons die. Yes, it is proven. If we have done a lot of good things in our life, our friends or neighbors maybe remember us for quite some time. If not, we just gone and forgotten. Some religion belief in reincarnation and "karma", therefore they try to do a lot of good things.

Science and religion have its own explanation about what have happened. So it is depend on our belief. There is no final answer.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Intelligence and goodwill

According to Aldous Huxley, there are two significant things in men’s life which are intelligence and goodwill. These are important to maintenance a relationship with others. Huxley's opinion about the intelligence and knowledge is surely true. Because of knowledge, we can make the best for our life. We do not know how to build a machine before, but knowledge make it happen. Before the industrialization, we used to have home productions which only make small profits and benefits. After the industrialization, there are mass productions where new jobs are created and we can improve our life and satisfy most of our needs.

Huxley’s opinion about the goodwill can create some kind of prejudices in question. Why goodwill can cause such a thing? Goodwill is helping others to reduce their burdens and making a progress to the next step. For example, the tsunami disaster in Indonesia South East Asia on December 2005 that needed help. When the whole world helped the tsunami's victims; did they help them or create a prejudice? If we follow up with the update, we know those aids really important to survive. Those people are losing their home and family, and they do not have any hope to live longer. The whole world helps are their light in the darkness. We may not able to solve the whole world problem, but at least, we cans lower the progress. If one hand can help 10 people, we have created 10new life and hope. If that 10 people help another 100 people, 100people create another new life and hope. What will happen when people stop helping others? It is the end of the world.