Saturday, January 20, 2007

Gods too Decompose

If God exists, then where can we find him? Does he live among us? Why no one ever meet him? How are we going to find him when we do not know where to start? In our desperate, we make an assumption, God is dead. Yet, there is a question, if God is dead, who killed him or where is his grave? Where the remaining of his body that at least tells us that he once exists.

We keep asking and yet never find the truth and final answer that satisfied us. With a limited knowledge, we only can make an assumption. Even though it is just a theory, but it is our guideline and maybe clues to find the meaning of our life. As we ask what is the origin of the universe? Many physicists and philosophers create an assumption, but how many that has been proven? Big Bang expansion maybe one of them when Einstein gives the equation to find the matter, size and time of the expansion.

Yet, human never satisfied, we are wondering why there is a big bang. This question remains still for the next physicist to solve. In the mean time, we stick with our current knowledge that “Big Bang” creates the universe. Typical human, when they can not satisfied the answer, they said “God is dead and too decompose”.

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