Wednesday, January 24, 2007

India Classic Film "Pather Panchali"

This India classic film is very interesting to watch. The title “Pather Panchali” or the path of old folk story describes rural life of India in 1920. The setting is very natural and touching. When we follow Durga and Apu daily life, we can feel their scarcities and courage. Those poor kids only can see their friends enjoy the life and food. As an oldest child, Durga has learned to manipulate her friend and family for her own advantages. Her brother, Apu, is a naïf and does not know exactly what’s going on in their life. The only thing that he understand is scare and alone, but he feels save with his sister’s love.

Sarbajaaya (the mother) has her own sadness and happiness with a big responsibility of the family especially her children. She is a pride wife and does not want to admit her weakness. Even though she knows that her life is hard, she tries to make the day through without thinking of the children’s wealth fare and happiness.

When we find out that Harihar (the husband) is well educated and has a dream to be a writer, we maybe wonder why he wastes his time in that poor village. He might have a bright future and does not have to starve anymore. Again, living in a simple and old village required a big commitment. Harihar is an example of a wrong interpretation of keeping family tradition. Even though he has a better life in Benares, he chooses to back to his home town because his family spends its whole life in that village. What’s an irony? He is trying to be idealism for his family, but the other hand, he wants to keep the family tradition and burry his dream.

The only thing that makes him changed his mind is when he is losing his precious daughter. He just likes a blind man that gets the eyes to see the reality. How their family go through difficult days in that poor condition house. He realizes that family tradition is not the only purpose of life. His wife and son are the purpose of his life; their weatlhfare and happiness is the most important thing in his life.

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