Saturday, January 20, 2007

Origin of Universe

From the beginning of our life, we always have a question about where we come from. Then, we learn that there are a lot of theories about the origin of the universe. Rene Descartes starts with “God” and tries to prove his existence. Next, the “Big Bang” theory where is known widely. Some believe it has both theological and philosophical implication. Many religions have their own interpretations about the Big Bang theory. Some religion believe heaven and earth join together as one unit creation, some believe that expansion, destruction, and creation of the universe within the paradigm. When there is an assumption, then there is a question. Why there is a big bang?

The big bang expansion starts billions years ago from small hot matter. Einstein equations can help us to find out how fast, size and time of the expansion. Again, is it answering the question why there is a big bang? Physicists try to find the answer with the mathematic, and yet it is remain question.

Plato says that prisoners that live in the darkness can not see the reality. Even when they see the shadow, they still can not think of the real object. Why? When one prisoner stands outside the cave, he sees the real object in the light. If we are like the prisoners in the dark cave, can we breach out to the light and how? Well, maybe the answer is time and knowledge, we are learning the universe and in the future, hopefully we can find the answer.

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