Thursday, January 18, 2007

After Life & Existence of God

When some one asks you, "Does God exist?" Would you answer "yes" or "no"? The answers of some prominent philosophers in CA are three types: yes, no, and confuse. It is tricky and difficult to answer, just like the question "Is egg or chicken the first form of the life?” Well, in my opinion, the answers could be varies depend on the listeners. If the questioners are kids, we may answer yes. People believe in something or someone, thus establish a religion. Religion guides our moral, so we know which is good and bad. For scientists, the answer maybe “no” because they can not scientifically proves the existence of God. The bottom line is God exists or not depend on our belief.

Human seems never satisfied with the life, next thing they want to know is what happen after death. I definitely agree with most of the answers that our body decompose-all the neurons die. Yes, it is proven. If we have done a lot of good things in our life, our friends or neighbors maybe remember us for quite some time. If not, we just gone and forgotten. Some religion belief in reincarnation and "karma", therefore they try to do a lot of good things.

Science and religion have its own explanation about what have happened. So it is depend on our belief. There is no final answer.

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