Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mistery Script

All nature that happened in this world is beyond our understanding. We are wondering; who is the Master Art that creates an amazing design to our body? How a single cell can grow and be a human? Why our neurons always fires? Scientist may have found some of the answers, yet we are still not satisfied. We are eager to know exactly why and how it happened. In order to find the answer, we face a lot of unexplainable knowledge. If everything is like a simple math, such as 1 + 1 = 2, it will be easy for us to understand. In fact, there are several advanced formula and theory involved. This make us give up and just think, it is the way it should be or maybe because we do not know.

Life is different from math because it will not provide a fixed answer. Number is constant, one is one and two is two. Life is variable and will always change depend on our understanding. It is funny that people make a lot of wrong assumptions just to satisfy other’s inquiries. Imagine that we used to thing the earth is flat; now we find out it is round. Will we able to find out what is hiding far beyond Pluto? When we can not figure out the answer, we always say “Life is a mystery”.

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