Saturday, January 20, 2007

Extra Dimensions

Prof. Lisa Randall introduces an interesting theory about the hidden extra dimensions in her book “Warped Passages Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions”. In the interview she keeps her assumption open, so some one with a better knowledge can prove it. According to her, it could be very well hidden dimension in the universe. She explains several figures regarding this matter. If we compare what we see and what is really out there, there is a big question mark in the middle?

It is definitely true that our knowledge is limited. When we look at a box in two dimensional views, we might think it is a square. Later, in three dimensional views, it is a box, thus our understanding stop there. Why? Because we can not see through the box, there could be another box hidden inside the first box. Maybe there is another box again inside the second box, and so on. If we have gathered a better knowledge to solve the problem then all of our confusions become clear.

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