Saturday, February 10, 2007

Evolutionary Philosophy

Steven Pinker believes that human nature not only depend on natural selection because some part of it is form by the genes. Human has a guideline which is the moral standard that can not be replicated by any computer program or the most genius robot ever made. There are a lot of daily actions that human take for granted. He gives an example of a holding glass of water that can be done by four years old without any drop but can not be done perfectly by any robot in action.

The point is that neural in our brain can’t be created by human like us. Human may have the ability to create an advanced robot to do some amazing math calculation which is hard for our brain. Even though human can do the same calculation with their brain, it will take at least several hours and pages of calculation compared to computer that only needs second. Human can create any programs to computer thus make our life easier such as security device, computer, calculator, notebook, etc. No matter how perfect and advanced the technologies are, human still can not duplicate some human nature such as thinking, feeling, and tasting.

Other aspect that influences human nature is the gene. There are complexity interests based on the gene itself. We tend to be physically attaches to our gene. According to Pinker, that is the reason why people are traveling miles and miles to get to their relative for the holiday or a father would do every thing for his children because we are sharing our gene with our family.

Environmental also contributes in forming human nature. This explains why people in certain area speak certain language and maintains it cultural. The differences make human nature unique.

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