Monday, February 12, 2007

Religous Belief

Sam Harris believes that there are two types of religious people, which is religious moderate and religious fundamental. In most cases, religious moderate acts in extreme such as suicide bombing and jihad. Because of the political power, religious moderate gets religious fundamental not to critic others. It has been set that it is taboo to criticize between religions no matter how irrational or insane their beliefs are. Even when we know that it is not right to kill other for one’s religion, but there is not much we can do.

Actually we do not respect other’s religious believe, we only believe their reason. Harris gives an example of the diamond buried in his back yard. When one hear that he said that, we might think that he is insane. After he explains the reason why he dares to leave the universe, we respect him now. Based on his illustration, it is clear that one only respect when other explains their reason to believe. It is not because of lack of education or knowledge, it is one’s belief that imply through reality.

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