Wednesday, February 14, 2007

History of Freeman's Worship

When one read that article, one feels traveling through time. Russell has brought us the history of universe’s worship. He starts with the big bang creation version and ends with Armageddon. At first, we see extremely large hot ball hit each other from a big explosion thus create other small hot balls. Next those smaller hot balls cool down and become planets. After that, first living creatures exit then extinct themselves. Other living creatures are created, and at the end human exist.

At the beginning of human history, freedom has been known. People want to do anything they want including worship. Thus, they have been creating some form of worship for celestial God and Goddess. All kind of God and Goddess including the evil and jealous God are believed responsible for some human life. It is not end there. Whenever we learn about the unfairness, we start to look for other kind of worship.

We are creating an idol from clay now. Instead of believe in some God or Goddess that make our life miserable, we would rather idolize some sort of animal that is unique. Yet, that one does not work out. We change to gold idol now. The faith keeps changing on and on until we find the perfect one. Russell believes when the perfect one has been formed, the universe will extinct, and we have to start from the beginning again, the big bang.

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