Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What is Consciousness?

According to Professor Daniel Dennett there is no God. Believe in God only encourage us to do something risky because we are hoping that God is there and will help us whenever we get in trouble. Is it really true? If we believe in God then we will do stupid thing to prove it? Isn’t it giving us the support in our life? We believe God is somewhere watching us, so we will not give up that easy when there are obstacles in our life. It is like a mentally support to us.

At other point, he says that machine might be conscious. Computer or robot has consciousness. In some how the machine just has a special consciousness but not human kind or animal kind. I think it is absurd. Robot or computer is just human creations which never close to us living creature. How can he say that it has consciousness? Or, what is robot consciousness? What kind of things can robot feels to be considered conscious?

Where is the consciousness located? Is it located in its processor or motherboard? What is the special consciousness that different from human and animal kind? Is it because computer can do calculation when human can not in second? Can computer think? Does it have feeling? Human needs oxygen in order to survive? What about machine? What does it need? Is it electricity instead of oxygen or food? How in a future we will be able to create such a celestial creature? If we can do that then we will be God. Maybe that’s the reason why he believes there is no God.

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