Monday, February 12, 2007

Non-violence Act

Gandhi believes that ahimsa is the road to truth which is the goal. Non violence is the basic law of human being that is greater than brutal force. As a nature of human being, we do not want to be forced to do something that we are not willing to. We want the freedom of life. We want others to respect us, so we have to respect others in all aspects too, no matter what religion, ethnic, and idealism they are.

Is non violence the same as coward act? No. Cowardice act is always show fear and run away from any thing. When one chooses non violence, that person has to be ready for any sacrifice that may be required. Nature of men is freedom and we will always try our best to obtain freedom. The problem is, there is a lot of other way to reach the goal; non violence is one of them.

Non-violence act is not as simple as it seen because one has to sacrifice for it. There are still individual that believes violence is necessary for its reason. In this case, Gandhi gives an example of Koran Islam. In Islam, violence is lawful act to reach the goal. Gandhi disagrees with that opinion and he is sure that violence will not create a pure democracy instead leads to dictatorship.

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