Saturday, February 10, 2007

Glorious Peace of Meat

Neuron vs consciousness is difficult to be separated. We can not tell which is go first, neuron or consciousness. We always say that consciousness is the work of neuron. How do we know that? The answer is because of our consciousness that creates awareness. Once again, how can we come up with that answer? The true is really hard to explain the consciousness because we actually do not know exactly what’s happened. Maybe we’ll be able to explain it comfortably if we gain more knowledge about consciousness. The only thing that we know now is cells of the neuron is the central nervous system of our whole body, therefore we can not survive without it.

When our eyes (vision) see or capture an imaging, it sends the message to the brain. The cells in our brain fire and send the command back to our body. Thus, creates the movement of our body. Therefore, we feel hungry when we see meals on the table. Then, we tend to reach out and get the food. It is an ordinary survivor behavior our body has. Besides that, do we really know why it happened? Why when we see food, the brains give a message “hungry” or “eat” or “why we have to eat?” The simply answer is to survive. We have not fond the answer to explain all the phenomena yet. Therefore we always refer it back to the neuron.

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