Thursday, February 15, 2007

Inner Vision

The movie Inner Visions and Running Trains is an interesting movie to watch. It contains a message about believe in God in every step of your life. Baba Faqir Chand provides his own example of his battle in Iraq. The moment when they are out of ammunition and probably will not survive, he has a miracle. His guru appears before him and gives a suggestion that help at that critical moment in their life.

After the war ends, he comes back to Baghdad and finds an astonishing moment there. People are worshiping him as the one who appeals before every one and save them at the battle field. Faqir is wondering about that because it is his guru who saves them not him. He can not do it if his guru does not appear and tells him what to do. People reply astonishing him and finally makes him realizes the true meaning of the miracle event. Whenever we remember God, he will appear to us any form that we believe to save us. It is not because we are a guru or having a holy power. It is simply because we believe in him, God.

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